

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Feels like i want to yell on my face.

It has been a week. Still no progress. Got issues with family. And might not coming home till all this kind of shit problem solves. So, i suggest to make myself busy. And i've got kerja2 part time yang quite ok la. Am i that really in this bitch life? Ok..ok..I know that i shouldn't blamed this life but sometimes this all are gettin' worst. Dulu, i might be the one who always said..."thank you"..."i'm sorry"..."owh...could be my fault"..."my bad"...but now, nak sebut "thanks".."it's ok"...macam dah tak ada apa. Sampai tahap kalau kau melutut skali pun, belum tentu orang akan appreciate kau. Kadang2 terpikir, it's so different between my old me and now. Till when i'll be treatin' with my life like this. Am i gonna be somebody likes Uncle Ebeneezer Scrooge dalam criter A Christmas Carol yg selfish and hidup sorang2. Semua tu jadi sebab masa silam dia yg rumit.

Or likes Meryl Streep dalam criter The Devil Wears Prada. The successful women tapi hidup dalam keadaan alone and garang nak mampus. Standard andartu la. Success in life but fail in love. 

Sebenarnya diorang ni baik hati and got a beautiful life before but sebab pergolakan hidup..kasih sayang kurang..and melalui experience hidup, diorang jadi sangat selfish and ignore perasaan orang lain. Am i were gonna be like one of them??

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